[유니티(Unity)] (ML Agent) 예제 벌새



해당 예제는 아래 링크에 있는 Hummingbirds 프로젝트를 따라가며, 최신 ML-Agents 버전에 맞게 프로젝트를 수정하고 중요한 포인트를 학습하는 방식으로 진행하겠습니다.


ML-Agents: Hummingbirds - Unity Learn

Reinforcement Learning is one of the most exciting types of Artificial Intelligence and the Unity ML-Agents project is one of the easiest and most fun ways to get started. The instructor for the course is Adam Kelly, an experienced Unity developer who has



위 예제를 따라하다 보면 아래와 같은 오류들을 마주하게 됩니다. 여기서는 이 오류들을 해결하는 방법을 적어 나가겠습니다.


1. 강의 에서 제공되는 프로젝트와 코드를 넣을 경우 아래와 같이 오류가 뜨는데 ML Agent 를 낮은 버전에서 제작되어서 생긴 이슈 입니다. 아래와 같이 고치면 해결 됩니다.

using Unity.MLAgents.Actuators;
public override void OnActionReceived(ActionBuffers vectorAction)
        // Don't take actions if frozen
        if (frozen) return;

        // Calculate movement vector
        Vector3 move = new(vectorAction.ContinuousActions[0], vectorAction.ContinuousActions[1], vectorAction.ContinuousActions[2]);

        // Add force in the direction of the move vector
        rigidbody.AddForce(move * moveForce);

        // Get the current rotation
        Vector3 rotationVector = transform.rotation.eulerAngles;

        // Calculate pitch and yaw rotation
        float pitchChange = vectorAction.ContinuousActions[3];
        float yawChange = vectorAction.ContinuousActions[4];

        // Calculate smooth rotation changes
        smoothPitchChange = Mathf.MoveTowards(smoothPitchChange, pitchChange, 2f * Time.fixedDeltaTime);
        smoothYawChange = Mathf.MoveTowards(smoothYawChange, yawChange, 2f * Time.fixedDeltaTime);

        // Calculate new pitch and yaw based on smoothed values
        // Clamp  pitch to avoid flipping upside down
        float pitch = rotationVector.x + smoothPitchChange * Time.fixedDeltaTime * pitchSpeed;
        if (pitch > 180f) pitch -= 360f;
        pitch = Mathf.Clamp(pitch, -MaxPitchAngle, MaxPitchAngle);

        float yaw = rotationVector.y + smoothYawChange * Time.fixedDeltaTime * yawSpeed;

        // Apply the new rotation
        transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(pitch, yaw, 0f);
public override void Heuristic(in ActionBuffers actionsOut)
        // Create placeholders for all movement/turning
        Vector3 forward = Vector3.zero;
        Vector3 left = Vector3.zero;
        Vector3 up = Vector3.zero;
        float pitch = 0f;
        float yaw = 0f;

        // Convert keyboard inputs to movement and turning
        // All values should be between -1 and +1

        // Forward/backward
        if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.W)) forward = transform.forward;
        else if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.S)) forward = -transform.forward;

        // Left/right
        if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.A)) left = -transform.right;
        else if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.D)) left = transform.right;

        // Up/down
        if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.E)) up = transform.up;
        else if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.C)) up = -transform.up;

        // Pitch up/down
        if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.UpArrow)) pitch = 1f;
        else if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.DownArrow)) pitch = -1f;

        // Turn left/right
        if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftArrow)) yaw = -1f;
        else if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.RightArrow)) yaw = 1f;

        // Combine the movement vectors and normalize
        Vector3 combined = (forward + left + up).normalized;

        // Add the 3 movement values, pitch, and yaw to the actionsOut array
        var continuousActionsOut = actionsOut.ContinuousActions;
        continuousActionsOut[0] = combined.x;
        continuousActionsOut[1] = combined.y;
        continuousActionsOut[2] = combined.z;
        continuousActionsOut[3] = pitch;
        continuousActionsOut[4] = yaw;


해당 함수들을 이렇게 바꿔 주시면 됩니다.


2. 훈련 파일도 위와 같은 이유로 최신 버전에서는 형식이 맞지 않습니다. 아래와 같이 바꿔 주세요.

default_settings: null
    trainer_type: ppo
      batch_size: 2048
      buffer_size: 20480
      learning_rate: 0.0003
      beta: 0.005
      epsilon: 0.2
      lambd: 0.95
      num_epoch: 3
      shared_critic: false
      learning_rate_schedule: linear
      beta_schedule: linear
      epsilon_schedule: linear
    checkpoint_interval: 5000000
      normalize: false
      hidden_units: 256
      num_layers: 2
      vis_encode_type: simple
      memory: null
      goal_conditioning_type: hyper
      deterministic: false
        gamma: 0.99
        strength: 1.0
          normalize: false
          hidden_units: 128
          num_layers: 2
          vis_encode_type: simple
          memory: null
          goal_conditioning_type: hyper
          deterministic: false
    init_path: null
    keep_checkpoints: 5
    even_checkpoints: false
    max_steps: 5000000
    time_horizon: 128
    summary_freq: 50000
    threaded: false
    self_play: null
    behavioral_cloning: null
  env_path: null
  env_args: null
  base_port: 5005
  num_envs: 1
  num_areas: 1
  timeout_wait: 60
  seed: -1
  max_lifetime_restarts: 10
  restarts_rate_limit_n: 1
  restarts_rate_limit_period_s: 60
  width: 84
  height: 84
  quality_level: 5
  time_scale: 20
  target_frame_rate: -1
  capture_frame_rate: 60
  no_graphics: false
  no_graphics_monitor: false
environment_parameters: null